Predmet Predelovalne tehnologije (skrajšano PT) je predmet na magistrskem študijskem programu Fakultete za tehnologijo polimerov.  Nosilec predmeta je izr. prof. dr. Blaž Nardin. Predmet ima 5 kreditnih točk in se predava v prvem letniku, po zaključenem predmetu Konstruiranje izdelkov in se na njega direktno nanaša. 

Skill Level: Beginner

A tanfolyam célja, hogy a pedagógusok olyan eszközöket és ismereteket kapjanak, amelyek segítségével saját maguk fejleszthetnek ki innovatív és minőségi Flipped Classroom megközelítésű tanfolyamokat. Mi több, a formátum konkrét eszközöket és kézikönyveket biztosít, amelyek segítik az oktatókat abban, hogy gyorsan és egyszerűen fejlesszenek tanösvényeket, e-anyagokat és kurzusokat az FCA koncepció alapján, és kifejezetten mérnöki felsőoktatási intézmények számára készült.

Skill Level: Beginner

The aim of the course is to give the educators the tools and knowledge to develop innovative and quality Flipped Classroom Approach courses by themselves. What is more, the format provides concrete tools and manuals that helps the educators to develop learning paths, e-materials and courses quickly and easily, based on the FCA concept and is specifically designed for engineering higher education institutions.

Skill Level: Beginner

Het doel van de cursus is om de docenten de tools en benodigde know-how te bieden om zelf innovatieve en kwalitatieve Flipped Classroom Approach cursussen te ontwikkelen. Bovendien biedt het format concrete tools en handleidingen die de opleiders helpen om snel en eenvoudig leertrajecten, e-materialen en cursussen te ontwikkelen, gebaseerd op het FCA-concept. Al het materiaal is specifiek ontworpen voor het hoger onderwijs in wetenschap en ingenieurswetenschappen.

Skill Level: Beginner

The aim of the course is to give the educators the tools and knowledge to develop innovative and quality Flipped Classroom Approach courses by themselves. What is more, the format provides concrete tools and manuals that helps the educators to develop learning paths, e-materials and courses quickly and easily, based on the FCA concept and is specifically designed for engineering higher education institutions.

Skill Level: Beginner

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Skill Level: Intermediate

The aim of the course is to give the educators the tools and knowledge to develop innovative and quality Flipped Classroom Approach courses by themselves. What is more, the format provides concrete tools and manuals that helps the educators to develop learning paths, e-materials and courses quickly and easily, based on the FCA concept and is specifically designed for engineering higher education institutions.

Skill Level: Beginner

This is a kick-off session to introduce the Flipped Classroom and Blended Learning Method concept for the Polyflip Erasmus+ project

Skill Level: Beginner